Notability for Grading on your iPad and much more

Notability and also available on your Mac, so you can access your files on both!!! 

True it is not FREE, but in worth the $2.99 price tag.   

Grading: a student sends me their paper to grade/edit!! 
I open in Notability  and by the way, format does not matter  (Word, Pages, Google Docs), Notability will convert a copy to what it needs and it opens.  I grab my stylus and write directly on the paper, and the really cool part it I can even record my comments through audio.  When I have finished “bleeding all over it, “ I send it back to the student from inside the app.   If I have recorded audio comments they go with it as an mp3 file.  Saves paper, saves time and I can actually give a more complete critique.

One of the things I like about Notability is that I can organize all my notes into “folders.”  

I can type, draw, record and more,  for me it is a one stop shop!!

Note taking: sketchnoting is all the rage these days, combine handwriting, photos and typing to bring your projects to life. Add as much detail as you like with a variety of colors and fonts.

Here is a link to a pretty good tutorial for using Notability on your iPad: 

If your are tired to dragging all those papers home to grade, get a good stylus and give Notability at try.

Stylus suggestion
Of course there are the rubber tips ones and they are ok, but if you want a really good one, my favorite is the Adonit Jot Pro Fine Point Stylus, a little pricey at $30.00, but it is really great, writes just like a pen!! 

The Union computer store has the Adonit line of stylus in various sizes and prices or you can purchase online. There are other brands that are similar and cheaper, but Adonit is just awesome! 

Sharing an iPad Resource for Thursday

iMovie is an amazing tool that many do not take advance of using.  

Glen Weibe, ( former Kansas History teacher and now doing professional development full time through the educational service center, ESSDACK.  Glen’s blog, History tech, is full of great resources each day,  but today, his post is full of good ideas for using iMovie. I think you will find it inspirational and maybe give you an idea for using iMovie in your course.  I have also included a resource for learning to use iMovie.  Our students learn iMovie in DED 318.

This book requires the iTunes U app.

Teaching with Movies: 20 tools for integration

by glenn weibe on February 18, 2015

Four times a year, I get the opportunity to work with 25-30 classroom teachers as part of an ongoing professional learning community. We chat about all sorts of things. Video games. Primary sources. Technology integration. Literacy standards.

Today, we spent the morning chatting with Don Gifford, KSDE social studies guru, about the upcoming state assessment and sharing strategies for encouraging discipline-specific writing skills. Evidence-based termsWriting prompts. Good stuff.

The afternoon?  


We started by spliting up into two imaginary groups – parents and teachers. Each researched the following question:

Should movies be part of the instructional practice in a social studies classroom?  (any classroom)

Read the full story:

Tech Edge: iPads in the Classroom Weekly VideoCasts...EXCELLENT

Guy Trainin,  University of Nebraska has been creating a series of Podcasts, 150 episodes so far.  One each week and only about 5 minutes in length.  

Here is the link to the Tech Edge: iPads in the Classroom YouTube channel to find all the episodes.  The most recent is about using Padlet in the Classroom. There is much to learned in only 5 minutes each week, I encourage you to check them out and subscribe.  Also available in iTunes.