The school year has ended and many of you are enjoying your summer and many I assume are teaching summer school like I am. I have an online class this summer with 63 students, Yikes!
I have been a member of Simple K-12 for years, and have even presented for them. Recently, they came out with an App to share one resource a Day. Thought you might be interested, even if it is summer. It’s free so you have nothing to loose by checking it out.
Looking for free teacher resources? This is the App for you! Receive free access to top-rated, award winning classroom resources for teachers.These educator-created and approved resources are sent to you daily, exclusively through this App.Sign into SimpleK12’s Teacher Resource of the Day iPad App and discover a new free teacher resource every day. Receive daily inspirations to spark a new idea, refresh a lesson plan, or engage your students in new and exciting ways.TYPES OF RESOURCES INCLUDE:•Instructional Videos•eBooks•Lesson Plans•Educator Interviews•And much, Much, MORE!TOPICS INCLUDE:•iPads and Mobile Learning•Digital Storytelling•Common Core State Standards•STEM•Literacy•Special Education•School Safety•And much, Much, MORE!To access your Resource of the Day, sign in to your FREE SimpleK12 account. Don’t have one? You can create a free membership quickly and easily once you have downloaded the App. Just click the “Sign Up for” button of the App welcome screen.