Tuesday iPad Resource: instaGrok RESEARCH tool


Scour the web with this research engine to look for pedagogically sound digital materials. 

Research any topic with an interactive concept map that you can customize and share.  instaGrok is an interactive research engine, that lets you learn about any topic.  It is free for everyone and works on your computer and iPad. Create an account to customize, save and share concept maps of your research. 

Official Description

instaGrok is an educational (re)search engine that lets students (any anyone else) research any topic in an engaging, visual way. instaGrok finds the best information on the topic and presents it as interactive concept map ("grok"), showing key facts, concepts and relationships, videos, images and more. Users can pin their favorite materials to their grok and take notes in the built-in journals.

Kinda of tough tool to explain, so give it a try. A green button on the top right of the website is a tutorial ...Teacher, Start Tutorial. But, just watch the short demo video below, I believe you will understand how awesome instaGrok is for research!!  Make sure you create a free account so that you can customize, save & share.